Dear Friends,
Well… This is a little awkward.
On Sunday, you are going to be invited to vote on the 2022 Program of Ministry as a part of the congregational meeting and to share your thoughts, ideas, and hopes for what happens next as a community. As Rich Winship wrote in his message to the congregation last week, “We’re now at another crossroads as a congregation. Were do we go from here?” Before that important conversation about the transition process, though, we are going to ask you pledge your time, energy, and financial gifts to the church during our Walk of Faith
I know. Awkward.
I recognize that it’s a little backwards—but it can’t be helped. When we scheduled the Walk of Faith, I was still deep in discernment about my pastoral role with this community. The truth is, we are always making blind commitments. We never know whether the commitments and promises we make will come to fruition or if our circumstances will change. None of us can peer into the future. None of us are guaranteed the outcome that we planned for or hoped for.
Instead, we make the best choices we can with the information we have and we move forward.
Our Walk of Faith this year isn’t a commitment that nothing is going to change. We have said a number of goodbyes in our congregation over the past couple of years and the congregation will have to make choices about its pastoral leadership when I step down after Easter. Instead, this year’s Walk of Faith is a promise that each of us, in our own way, will make the best choices we can. Each of us, both together and apart, will move forward in our faith and serve our communities in beautiful and meaningful ways.
Each of us will honor the covenant that we have made together.
You are not being asked to make a pledge to The Community Church of Wilmette because there is a clear vision of what CCW’s ministry will look over the next year. You are not being asked to pledge because you love and support our current staff members. You are not even being asked to pledge because its the only way that we can keep the lights on and the doors open. Since this is already an awkward and terrible fundraising letter, I will share a not-too-hidden piece of information: The pledges and donations from CCW members make up the smallest part of the POM’s planned income each year.
Instead, you are being asked to pledge your time, energy, and financial gifts to CCW’s continuing, new, or changing ministries because it is a good and important way that you can honor our shared covenant. It a way that this community, who has lived and served together for so long, can celebrate that history and express their hopes and aspirations for what comes next. The Walk of Faith is not just a promise—but a prayer.
And so, as I say so often of Sunday mornings, “please give generously to the missions and ministry of this community.”
Join Us For Worship
Join us in person or online this Sunday morning as we hear once again the story of Jesus calling his disciples in Luke’s gospel. How are we invited today to become “fishers of people” and share our experience of God’s abundance with others in our communities? This week’s worship service also include our annual Walk of Faith.
Music will be led by CCW Music Director Winifred Brown and Sam Krausz. This week’s worship leader is Peg Kritzler.
As a community rooted in Christian tradition, we celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. All are invited to join us at the table. Non-designated gifts collected during this Sunday’s offering will go towards our Deacon’s Fund. Additionally, community members are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the New Trier Food Pantry.
To ensure our continued safety, we will continue to provide hybrid worship services that you can either attend in person or online. If you are attending online, please feel free to turn your camera on during the service and to unmute as we share joys and concerns or share our reflections. For those of you who wish to join us in person on Sunday morning, you are welcome! We continue to request that everyone keeps their mask on and encourage everyone to practice social distancing whenever possible
To participate in the worship online via Zoom, please click on the button below.
Living and Serving Together
Congregational Meeting This Sunday
We will have a congregational meeting this Sunday to review and vote on the proposed 2022 Program of Ministry and discuss next steps for the community during this time of pastoral transition. A copy of the proposed POM was previously emailed to congregation members.
The meeting will occur immediately after worship and you are welcome to attend either in person or online via Zoom. Pastor Rob will be in attendance to present his Pastor’s Report and to participate in the POM discussion, but along with all other staff members, will recuse himself during the second part of the meeting.